Website of Simon Müller

PhD student in Theoretical Planetary Astrophysics at the University of Zürich

welcome to my personal website!

I'm a PhD student at the University of Zürich in the group of Ravit Helled working on the formation and evolution of giant planets.


My main research interest lies in the formation and evolution of gas giants, with my most recent work focusing on understanding how Jupiter's interior structure as inferred by the Juno mission can be explained. For this, we use a modified version of the stellar evolution code MESA to model the evolution of Jupiter (and gaseous planets in general) from very early formation stages until today. Previously, I've also investigated the formation of giant planets in gravitationally unstable disks. If that sounds interesting, check out the publications I've been a part of.

Journal Publications

  • On the Diversity in Mass and Orbital Radius of Giant Planets Formed via Disk Instabilty; Simon Müller, Ravit Helled and Lucio Mayer;
    published in ApJ (arXiv:1801.03384 / ADS)
  • The Formation of Jupiter's Diluted Core by a Giant Impact; Shang-Fei Liu, Yasunori Hori, Simon Müller et al.;
    published in Nature (Nature / ADS / Press release)
  • The Challenge of Forming a Fuzzy Core in Jupiter; Simon Müller, Ravit Helled and Andrew Cumming;
    published in A&A (arXiv:2004.13534 / ADS)
  • Theoretical versus observational uncertainties: composition of giant exoplanets; Simon Müller, Maya Ben-Yami and Ravit Helled;
    published in ApJ (arXiv:2009.09746 / ADS)


Over the years I've taught a variety of lab/exercises classes for graduate and undergraduate students, and supervised a few graduate semester/summer projects.

  • Physics lab course for medicine students
  • Introduction to Physics for biomedicine students
  • Planetary and Stellar Astrophysics
  • The Universe: Contents, Origin, Evolution and Future
  • Introduction to Data Science

Get in touch

Institute for Computational Science
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich, Switzerland
Office: Y11-F92