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Department of Astrophysics

Astrophysics and Computational Science courses, current semester


Module Acronym Category Faculty ECTS
AST 001 Research Seminar Theoretical Astrophysics 07SMAST001 Seminar MNF 0
AST 006 Students Seminar 07SMAST006 Seminar MNF 0
AST 007 Current research in galaxy evolution 07SMAST007 Seminar MNF 0
AST 202 The Universe: Contents, Origin, Evolution and Future 07SMAST202 Vorlesung MNF 5
AST 203 Introduction to Astronomy 07SMAST203 Vorlesung mit integrierter Übung MNF 5
AST 210 Astronomy Field Trips 07SMAST210 Exkursion MNF 3
AST 232 Astronomy practicum: II 07SMAST232 Praktikum MNF 6
AST 233 The Sun and its surface activity (astronomy practicum) 07SMAST233 Praktikum MNF 3
AST 248 The Sun and Planets 07SMAST248 Vorlesung MNF 5
AST 295 Astrobiology Proseminar 07SMAST295 Proseminar MNF 2
AST 321 Biosignatures and Life Detection 07SMAST321 Vorlesung MNF 2
AST 322 Colloquium - Biosignatures and Life Detection 07SMAST322 Vorlesung MNF 3
AST 513 Physical Cosmology 07SMAST513 Vorlesung mit integrierter Übung MNF 10
AST 547 Research seminar in Astrophysics 07SMAST547 Seminar MNF 2
AST 548 Master Thesis Astrophysics 07SMAST548 Arbeit MNF 50
AST 801 Astrophysical thinking FS 07SMAST801 Seminar MNF 2
ESC 001 Research Seminar Computational Science 07SMESC001 Seminar MNF 0
ESC 202 Simulations in the Natural Sciences II 07SMESC202 Vorlesung mit integrierter Übung MNF 5
ESC 203 Advanced Simulation in Natural Science 07SMESC203 Vorlesung MNF 5
ESC 204 Computational Methods for Radiative Transfer 07SMESC204 Vorlesung MNF 5
ESC 403 Introduction to Data Science 07SMESC403 Vorlesung MNF 6
ESC 406 Computational Thinking II 07SMESC406 Seminar MNF 2
ESC 412 Advanced High-Performance Computing 07SMESC412 Vorlesung MNF 5
ESC 415 Internship in Computational Science 07SMESC415 Praktikum MNF 6
ESC 500 Master Thesis 07SMESC500 Arbeit MNF 30
ESC 801 Scientific writing in English for doctoral students 07SMESC801 Blockkurs MNF 1
ESC 805 Data driven Modelling of dynamical systems 07SMESC805 Blockkurs MNF 2
PHY 002 The Zurich Physics Colloquium 07SMPHY002 Kolloquium MNF 0
PHY 012 Seminar für Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten 07SMPHY012 Seminar MNF 0
PHY 399 Bachelorarbeit 07SMPHY399 Arbeit MNF 12


Unterseiten von Courses Current Semester