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Department of Astrophysics

Seminars and Colloquia

Overview Seminars & Colloquia

Day & Time Seminar Room
First Friday of the month, 10:45 Astrophysics Colloquium Y36-K-08
Fridays 10:45 Astrophysics Seminar Y36-K-08
Some Tuesdays, 15:00 Gravitational Waves, Black Holes,
and Compact Binaries

Weekly meetings: see the Department Events Calendar

Internal information about the organization of Seminars/Colloquia can be found here (UZH login necessary).


Other Seminars

A list of all lectures and seminars can be found in the lecture calendar of the University of Zürich.

Other Computational Science Events may be found on the CS Zurich web site.


The presentations of invited speakers on this channel are provided by Department as a public service to promote the dissemination and accessibility of scientific knowledge. However, as the Department has no control over the content of said presentations, any views or opinions expressed by the speaker or by members of the audience do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Astrophysics.

The Department adheres to the code of conduct of the University of Zurich, and will not publish any content that would not be compliant with such guidelines.

