ESC201:Fall 2023: Monday Lecture: 13:00-14:00 Exercises: 14:00-17:00 in Y34-J-01
TAs: Stefan Schafroth and Vasileios Dimakopoulos
18. Sep. 2023: First Lecture
25. Sep. 2023: Newton's Method and Kepler's Equation
02. Oct. 2023: Population Growth, Chaos and Fractals
09. Oct. 2023: Fractals using Complex Numbers, start of ODEs
16. Oct. 2023: Ordinary Differential Equations, Lotka-Voltera System
23. Oct. 2023: Symplectic Integrators, Simple Pendulum
30. Oct. 2023: The N-body Problem, Simulating the Solar System
6. Nov. 2023: Partial Differential Equations
13. Nov. 2023: Bi-linear and Bi-cubic Interpolation: Electron Beams
20. Nov. 2023: Hyperbolic PDEs, Simple Finite Difference Methods
27. Nov. 2023: Finite Volume Methods
4. Dec. 2023: 1-D Hydrodynamics
11. Dec. 2023: Parallel Computing and Christmas Fractals!
Your solutions should be handed in 7 days after each assignment has been given, i.e. Sunday night by 21:00 one week after the Monday lecture. Assignments should be individual and should be in python and provide a correct virtual environment! (if you stick to standard libraries like numpy, matplotlib, scipy… you can also just submit your python source code together with the output of your program)
For help getting started with virtual environments, please read carefully Python Virtual Environments for Pip and Python Virtual Environments for Conda.
Please hand in the following in Teams:
Please add the names of the people you work together (if you do) to the comment section of your python scripts.
Create a virtual environment using
- run virtualenv yourenv_name to create a virtual environment
- run source yourenv_name/bin/activate to activate yourenv_name
- install necessary libraries that you want using pip install package_name
- work in that directory, get your outputs (*.pdf, *.png, *jpeg, *.mp4, etc…)
- run pip freeze > requirements.txt to get your list of libraries
- run conda create -n yourenvname python=x.x anaconda to create a virtual environment
- run source activate yourenvname to activate yourenv_name
- install necessary libraries that you want using conda install -n yourenv_name package_name
- work in that directory, get your outputs (*.pdf, *.png, *jpeg, *.mp4, etc…)
- run conda list –export > requirements.txt to get your list of libraries