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Department of Astrophysics

Robert Feldmann

Research intersets

How do galaxies and many of their properties evolve over cosmic history? Which processes determine their sizes, regulate their star formation rates, or shape their morphology? Nobody really knows for sure. However, compared with just 10 years ago, we are now much closer to answering those questions. This remarkable development is largely a result of three major advances. First, with the advent of large scale, digital galaxy surveys the quantitative analysis of millions of galaxies became possible -- a development that is still revolutionizing our understanding of galaxy evolution. Secondly, the continuous increase in computing power enables theoretical astrophysicists like myself to develop and evaluate increasingly sophisticated computational models. Finally, advances in data analysis, driven by recent developments in data science and machine learning, have dramatically simplified the extraction of physical insights from complex data sets. In my work, I employ a combination of methods, including state-of-the-art high-performance computing and data analysis, to study how galaxies evolve in a cosmological setting.

Group members

Dr. Rebekka Coles-Bieri


Research field: Galaxy Formation

Dr. Mauro Bernardini


Research Field: Data Science